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Hidden Disabilities




Travelling by plane can be a special experience for people with autism. To provide adequate, customised assistance and meet the needs of individual autistic passengers, ADR Assistance supports the family and/or companion in the preparation and preliminary stages of travelling by air.

For further information and to see any airport routes before the scheduled journey, please email us (assistenzaprm@adrassistance.it) and download the information brochure. You can also find the privacy policy of the project here.




For passengers requiring medical treatment upon departure from or arrival at Fiumicino airport, a dedicated service is provided by the ADR Emergency Department. This service is provided for passengers undergoing cancer treatment treated at the main hospitals in Rome (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli, IFO Regina Elena e San Gallicano, Policlinico universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Ospedale Sant’Andrea and l’Ospedale S.Eugenio).

To request assistance, the hospital ward treating the passenger must contact the ADR Emergency Department on 06 6595 4441, specifying:


  • Name and Surname;
  • Date and number of the flight arriving at or departing from Fiumicino;
  • Type of PRM assistance booked with the airline;
  • Department contact email.


ADR Assistance shall subsequently confirm, via email, the place and time of the booking at the airport for the start of PRM assistance and the required medical treatment.